How to Be a Better Partner [interview]

For the past several months, I’ve been emailing, Facebooking, and Instagramming relationship tips every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning. (You can sign up for them below, or find me on FB and Insta.)

They’re just a few sentences each, and they hit on topics like sex, how to argue effectively, making time for each other, trust…you know, the stuff we all deal with in our lives!

Amy Tobin (Q102 in Cincinnati) somehow got on the mailing list and found so many that really resonated with her, so she invited me onto her weekly radio show and podcast. We talked about why I started sending them, how to get and keep a healthy relationship, and some of the blind spots that we all have.

Take a listen, let me know what you think…and sign up for the tips! I promise you’ll be glad you did!


Here’s the summary from the Q102 website:

“From the very best parties to the very best relationships, to the very best windowboxes to simply being a good kind human, today we’re talking with the experts about which rules we should always follow.”

You can listen to the entire segment below.